As predicted the weather here has been abysmal with temps in the negative. My paincave setup was in the garage and it was too cold for me! I was doing sessions without the fan and a thick jersey till the core temp went up then taking off the long sleeve and finishing off without the fan as the air movement was just too much for me.

This session I was using the Tacx Neo and the power was great except for 2x dropouts in the cooldown. I was not feeling the best, but pushed through. The first 8mins was great of the “free ride” self selected interval, then I almost literally “hit the wall” and tried my best not to drop the last 2 minutes. The average was just over what I thought I could hold for the 10minutes.

Now with 50% complete we have new sunglasses that are the Oakley Flight Jacket. Not the style I personally would wear- but good to see another exclusive item unlocked.

Glass half full? 50% ZA
The next month should warm up a bit - I hope!
I won an Instagram competition for my pic of the Innsbruck course! That was nice surprise to receive and goooooood motivation for continuing on with me Zwift Academy rides.
I had a bit of a technical meltdown on workout 6 this week with the iPad not connecting correctly with the Kickr17. As the earlier intervals/warmup was so low on power I didn’t notice it failing to hold the watts. I tried turning erg mode on screen off/on (don’t get me started on the button labelling of that in the UI - it confuses me every time!) then I stopped pedaling 2x for erg mode to try catch up and re-enable. That failed a few more intervals. It was only turning the Kickr off/on at the wall that kicked it in for the end of the workout. I think I will go back and re visit this one workout later in the Academy period.

Workout 7 I was looking forward to a new style of session after the last 2 were quite similar. This one had more of a big block interval and I was pretty confident. There were a lot of riders on course. Here is a shot of one of the men’s bunches coming for me during warmup!
Workout 7 I was looking forward to a new style of session after the last 2 were quite similar. This one had more of a big block interval and I was pretty confident. There were a lot of riders on course. Here is a shot of one of the men’s bunches coming for me during warmup!
This session I was using the Tacx Neo and the power was great except for 2x dropouts in the cooldown. I was not feeling the best, but pushed through. The first 8mins was great of the “free ride” self selected interval, then I almost literally “hit the wall” and tried my best not to drop the last 2 minutes. The average was just over what I thought I could hold for the 10minutes.
Now with 50% complete we have new sunglasses that are the Oakley Flight Jacket. Not the style I personally would wear- but good to see another exclusive item unlocked.
Looking forward to the races this week. I have 1 booked in for early this week before I fly out later in the week for sunny Bali!